a white dog with red cape

SuperDog Events: A Coding Challenge

SuperDog Events is an event company the produces comic cons. The marketing team has requested a site the displays stats from their events. You are given an array of event data to build a site.

Given an array of objects of event data display the following:
  • Total attendance by City
  • Average Attendance by City
  • Least attended event by City
  • Most attended event by City
  • Show these stats for All Events

Below is the array of data you are given:

[{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 240000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 250000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "New York",state: "New York",attendance: 257000,date: "06/01/2019"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 130000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 140000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "ComicCon",city: "San Diego",state: "California",attendance: 150000,date: "06/01/2019"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 40000,date: "06/01/2017"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 45000,date: "06/01/2018"},
{event: "HeroesCon",city: "Charlotte",state: "North Carolina",attendance: 50000,date: "06/01/2019"}]
See The App!

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